Causes of Sciatic Pain

Sciatic Pain

leg pain in Cumming GA

Causes of Sciatic Pain

Lumbar Herniated-Disc A herniated disc happens when the soft inner-core of the disc (which is a nucleus pulposus) leaks out (herinates) through the fibrous outer-core (also called, annulus) and in turn irritates the contiguous-nerve root.

Lumbar Spinal-Stenosis Spinal stenosis happens when 1 of the nerves gets compressed, this can be as a result of pressure being exerted on the spinal-cord or any of the surrounding-nerves. This condition causes sciatica because of the narrowing of the spinal-canal. Lumbar spinal-stenosis is also related to natural-aging in the spinal cord and is common in those over 60 years.

Tumors A tumor can grow within the spine (whether benign or cancerous) or inside the-meninges (that is, the membranes which cover the spinal-cord). As the tumors enlarge, they can press on the nerve and cause great pain.

Degenerative disc-disease. Disc degeneration is basically a natural process which occurs due to aging, for some, 1 or more degenerated-discs in the lower-back may irritate a nerve-root and cause sciatica pain. Isthmic spondylolisthesis Spondylolisthesi is a degenerative disc-disease which happens when 1 disc slides forward on-top of another vertebrae. A spinal-nerve may get pinched, which then causes sciatica pain in the legs.

Sacroiliac joint-dysfunction This is the irritation of the sacroiliac-joint which is located at the bottom-of the spine. It can result to irritation of the L5-nerve, which lies on-top of the sacroiliac-joint, thus causing sciatica pain.

Piriformis syndrome Piriformis are body muscles that are above the sciatic-nerves which start at the lower-spine and connect to the thigh-bones. If these muscles spasm or get irritated, the sciatic-nerve gets pinched. If you happen to sit for a long period, or you have ever suffered from a serious back injury, it can contribute to sciatica pain. The sciatic-nerve may get irritated since it runs under the-piriformis body muscle in the buttocks. If the piriformis body muscle irritates a nerve root which comprises the sciatic-nerve, it can lead to sciatica pain.

Various other conditions can also cause sciatica pain, some of these conditions include:

Pregnancy. The changes which happen to the body during pregnancy like weight gain, shift on center-of gravity, and various hormonal changes, can lead to sciatica pain during pregnancy. Scar tissue. If a scar tissue compresses a nerve-root, it can lead to sciatica pain.

Muscle strain. At times inflammation due to a muscle-strain can put a lot of pressure on the nerve-root and cause sciatica pain. Other issues like, car accidents or spine injuries can also cause sciatica pain. Injuries from sports can cause fragments from broken-bones to compress on nerves, causing pain.

The sciatic nerve starts from the spinal-cord and goes all the way to the buttocks, hips and then through the legs.There are 5 sets of nerve-pairs which comprise of sciatic nerve. If 1 of these nerves happens to get pinched within the-spine, it can result to sciatica pain. Sciatica pain basically happens when pressure is put on the sciatic-nerve (which is the largest-nerve in the body). The most common cause-of sciatica pain is when the herniated-disc in the spine pushes on the sciatic-nerve, which then results in pressure which causes a a lot of pain. Sciatica pain is characterized-by a pain which radiates down 1 or both legs. It's normally a constant-tingling sensation, with an occasional-sharp and burning pain which shoots down the leg(s). The pain initiates in the buttock area and travels down the leg(s) and ankles. At times it can reach all way down to the feet depending on the amount of pressure exerted on the nerve.

Effects of sciatic pain over time

With time, sciatica pain starts to effect muscles that are associated with sciatic nerve. The legs may start to get weaker and it may become difficult to move the legs or feet. If this condition stays untreated for long, one can lose the use-of both legs. Sciatica pain can also affect various other parts of the leg. If the pressure is occurring on the L5-vertebra in the lower-back, the pain can occur at the top-of the foot, the ankle, and also the webbing-between the toes. Sciatica pain symptoms may vary depending-on where the sciatic nerve is being pinched or aggravated, and the amount of pressure being exerted. One major symptom of sciatica pain is the increasing numbness in all the affected areas accompanied-by difficulty in bowel movements. When leg pain is accompanied by bowel movement symptoms, it's an indication of a serious case-of sciatica pain which requires instant medical attention. You can visit Cumming Chiropractor Dr. King to perform a reflex-test on your ankles and knees. A person suffering from sciatica pain will exhibit slower-ankle reflexes.

Chiropractic Cumming GA Backsmart Health Chiropractic


Call Dr. Gregory King today if you are suffering from sciatic pain


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3:00pm - 6:00pm


10:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

10:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

10:00am - 1:00pm


Backsmart Health Chiropractic
5610 Bethelview Road #300A
Cumming, GA 30040
(770) 888-4288